How to Add Employment Gaps on a Resume (Tips + Examples)

How to Add Employment Gaps on a Resume (Tips + Examples)

Date: 10/13/2024 | Written By: Aneeb Ahmad
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  1. Employers ask about resume gaps to assess your work history and commitment.

  2. Sharing reasons for gaps helps employers see them as reasonable and acceptable.

  3. Family responsibilities, health issues, education, and travel are valid reasons for employment gaps.

  4. Be transparent about your gaps and discuss skills or lessons learned.

Your resume is usually the first thing a hiring manager sees about you. So, if you have a gap in your resume, you might worry that it will hurt your chances during the hiring process.

The truth is many people have employment gaps. 70% of US workers have an employment gap on their resume. There are many reasons for this, like taking time off to raise children, dealing with an illness, switching careers, or being laid off during tough times.

These can be hard topics to bring up, especially in an interview.

To help you handle these conversations with confidence, in this guide, we’ll share some tips on what to write on resume with gapping. Also, we’ll share samples and other gaps, mentioning advice you can use.

What Is a Gap in a Resume and Why Should You Explain It to Employers?

Before explaining what to write on resume with gaping, it's important to know why employers may ask about it. A resume gap is when you aren't working or doing anything related to your job. It could be weeks, months, or even years, and it happens for different reasons.

Telling employers why you were away from work helps them understand your situation. This way, hiring managers are more likely to view the gap as reasonable and won't hold it against you when considering you for the job.

7 Good Reasons for an Employment Gap

Good Reasons for an Employment Gap

For many reasons, someone might have a resume gap for family caregiver responsibilities. As long as it’s not related to something serious like jail time, it shouldn't hurt your chances of getting hired. Here are 7 good reasons for gaps in employment sample examples:

  1. Family Reasons: Family matters a lot, and most recruiters understand if you have to take time off for family issues. Just explain that your family situation is resolved now (e.g., if you took time off to raise kids, mention that they are now grown and in school).

  2. Self-Discovery: If you took time off to figure out your life and career goals, that’s perfectly fine. Just make sure you can show recruiters that you now have clarity and are committed to staying on the job.

  3. Illness: Resume gap for mental health or any other health issues is a legitimate reason. Just let employers know that you are fully recovered and ready to work.

  4. Failed Business or Initiative: You might feel unsure about discussing a failed business venture, but there's no need to hide it. This shows that you have the drive to take risks. Just explain how you learned from the experience and moved forward.

  5. Education: Taking a break to pursue further education is always viewed positively. If you went back to school to earn another degree, include that in your resume.

What To Write on Resume With Gapping?

What To Write on Resume With Gapping?

Here’s what to write on resume with gapping and prepare for job interviews:

  1. Reflect on Your Experience

Take time to think about why you have a gap in your resume. Maybe you were a stay-at-home parent or caregiver for young kids, elderly parents, or sick relatives. Your gap might also be due to health issues or leaving your last job. 

Perhaps you needed a break to recharge and reassess your career options, faced challenges with a business initiative, or took time off to travel, volunteer, or study. Whatever the reason, be ready to explain it to the interviewer.

  1. Prepare a Clear Answer

Have a concise answer that shares the reason for the gap without revealing too much personal information. If you took medical leave, mention that you are fully recovered and can handle the job's responsibilities.

  1. Be Honest About the Gap

Honesty can create a positive impression. If you lost your last job due to downsizing, be upfront about it. Explain the situation briefly, noting that many employees were affected. Interviewers understand that layoffs happen due to company changes and will appreciate your transparency.

  1. Discuss What You Learned

Highlight any skills or lessons you gained during your employment gap. Maybe you learned to manage your time better, become more organized, or improve your communication skills. Share how these skills can benefit you in the new job.

  1. Align Your Response with Job Requirements

Review the job description to understand what the employer wants. Connect your skills and experiences to their needs. For instance, if you’re applying for a marketing manager position, mention your experience with marketing software and the successful projects you've handled.

Employment Gaps On Resume Examples

Here are some examples of well-written CVs that show how to explain employment gaps effectively.

Example 1: Parental Leave

This CV shows how someone spent their gap time and highlights their skills.

2018 - Present: Parental Leave
I took a break to care for my child. I improved my organizational skills, multitasking abilities, and time management. I also volunteered at a local charity, where I managed their social media accounts and grew their followers by 30%.

2016 - 2018: Marketing Manager, XYZ Company

Example 2: Further Education

This CV shows how further education can be a big advantage for an employer.

2019 - 2021: Master's in Data Science, University of London
I took time off to study and gained advanced machine learning, AI, and big data analysis skills.

2016 - 2019: Data Analyst, XYZ Company

Example 3: Health Issues

This example shows dedication, even during tough times.

2019 - 2020: Health Recovery
I took time off for medical reasons but am fully recovered and ready to work again. During my recovery, I completed online courses in digital marketing, improving my SEO and content marketing skills.

2017 - 2019: Digital Marketer, ABC Company

Example 4: Career Break for Travel

This person shows how personal growth can be valuable for an employer.

2017 - 2018: Career Break for Travel
I took a year off to travel and learn about different cultures. This experience helped me build important communication, problem-solving, and adaptability skills.

2012 - 2017: Operations Manager, XYZ Corporation

Example 5: Freelance Work

This example shows the skills gained from freelance work.

2020 - 2021: Freelance Graphic Designer
I freelanced to improve my skills and build my portfolio. I worked with 13 independent and corporate clients to meet their design needs.

2018 - 2020: Graphic Designer, XYZ Agency

Example 6: Volunteering

This CV highlights compassion and care for the community.

2019 - 2020: Volunteer, Local Charity
I spent a year volunteering at a local charity. I organized fundraising events and managed relationships with donors, gaining skills I will use in my next job.

2016 - 2019: Event Manager, ABC Events

Example 7: Job Search

This example explains the gap by focusing on professional development.

2021 - Present: Actively Seeking Employment
I've been exploring my career options and focusing on professional growth. I completed a digital marketing course and kept up with industry trends.

2018 - 2021: Marketing Coordinator, DEF Company

Resume With Gaps In Employment Sample

Resume With Gaps In Employment Sample

When addressing employment gaps on your resume and cover letter, it's essential to be transparent while positively framing them. Here are examples of how to present employment gaps in both a resume and a cover letter:

[Your Name]
[Your Address]
[City, State, Zip]
[Phone Number]
[Email Address]
[LinkedIn Profile URL]

[Write a brief statement about your career goals and what you hope to bring to the position you’re applying for.]

Professional Experience

[Job Title]
[Company Name] — [City, State]
[Month/Year] – [Month/Year]

  • [Describe your responsibilities and achievements.]

Career Break
[Month/Year] – [Month/Year]

  • Took time to [explain the reason for the gap, such as "care for a family member," "pursue further education," or "travel and gain personal growth."]

  • During this period, I [mention any relevant activities like volunteering, freelancing, or online courses].

[Job Title]
[Company Name] — [City, State]
[Month/Year] – [Month/Year]

  • [Describe your responsibilities and achievements.]

[University Name] — [City, State]
[Month/Year] – [Month/Year]


  • [List relevant skills for the job you are applying for.]

Resume Gap Template Cover Letter

[Your Name]
[Your Address]
[City, State, Zip]
[Your Email Address]
[Your Phone Number]

[Hiring Manager's Name]
[Company Name]
[Company Address]
[City, State, Zip]

Dear [Hiring Manager's Name],

I’m writing to express my interest in the [Job Title] position at [Company Name]. With a background in [Your Industry/Field] and a passion for [specific aspect of the job or industry], I believe I can bring valuable skills and insights to your team.

I want to address the gap in my employment history between [Month/Year] and [Month/Year]. During this period, I took time to [explain the reason for the gap, e.g., care for family, travel, or pursue further education]. This experience allowed me to [mention any skills you developed, experiences you gained, or insights you acquired that are relevant to the job].

I am excited about the opportunity to contribute to [Company Name] because [mention something specific about the company or its mission that resonates with you].

Thank you for considering my application. I look forward to the opportunity to speak with you.

[Your Name]

Are you concerned about gaps in your resume? Yulys is here to assist you! Explore local employment opportunities and work from home jobs. Whether you're looking to re-enter the workforce or embark on a new career path, we connect you with businesses eager to find motivated individuals like you. Let us help you transform those gaps into valuable experiences!


Knowing what to write on a resume with gapping is essential for effectively addressing potential employer concerns. By clearly explaining the reasons for your employment gaps, you can showcase your commitment while highlighting any skills or experiences gained during that time. Remember to align your explanations with the job requirements, demonstrating how your past experiences make you a valuable asset to any organization.