WARN Act Florida: A Must-Read HR Guide

Updated on 05/15/2024


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  1. Florida WARN Act mandates a 60-day advance notification for affected employees facing layoffs or plant closures.
  2. This notice must include crucial details such as the reasons for the action, the number of affected workers, and follow-up contact information.
  3. Employers must provide written notices to impacted workers, labor unions, State Rapid Response Coordinator, and local government officials.
  4. Plant closures, mass layoffs, and extended layoffs trigger the Florida WARN Act.
  5. The enforcement of the WARN Act Florida falls under the jurisdiction of the United States District Courts.
  6. Non-compliance can lead to lawsuits, with potential penalties of up to $500 per day for each violation.

Dealing with employment transitions can be daunting, especially when faced with the uncertainty of layoffs or plant closures. In Florida, while there isn't a specific WARN Act tailored to the state, federal regulations under the WARN Act offer vital protections to workers.

Understanding the intricacies of these regulations is essential for both employers and employees to ensure a fair and informed process during significant workforce changes.

So, in this guide, we’ll explore the implications of the WARN Act Florida and how it shapes employer responsibilities and employee rights.

Is there a WARN Act in Florida?

More than half of all states, including Florida, do not have their own WARN Act. Nevertheless, this doesn’t leave Floridians unprotected. Federal WARN Act regulations still cover employees in Florida. Employers in the state must submit and distribute WARN notices to employees, informing them about expected large-scale layoffs and plant closures and providing specifics about the number of affected workers.

What is the WARN Act Florida?

WARN Act Florida ensures protection for workers facing layoffs or plant closures. Employers in Florida must give advance notice to employees when they know about upcoming closures or layoffs. This notice gives employees enough time to find other job opportunities. Remember, the WARN Act is separate from the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA), which sets rules for minimum wage, overtime, and unemployment benefits. The FLSA is different from the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) in Florida.

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What are the Florida WARN Act Requirements?

WARN Act Florida requires a 60-day advance notification for employees facing layoffs or plant closures. If union workers are involved, the notification goes to union representatives rather than individual employees. While there isn’t a specific template for the notice, it must be written and include important details such as:

  1. Site and date of closure or layoffs
  2. Reasons for the action, whether the loss is permanent or temporary
  3. Affected job titles
  4. Unions
  5. The number of employees affected
  6. Follow-up contact information

In Florida, the WARN Act covers employers with 100 or more employees, excluding those who have worked for less than six months in the last year or who work an average of fewer than 20 hours per week. The Act applies to various types of employers, including private for-profit, private nonprofit, and public or quasi-public entities operating commercially.

Employees entitled to notice under the WARN Act include both hourly and salaried workers, as well as managerial and supervisory employees. However, business partners are not entitled to notice.

The primary focus of the WARN Act in Florida is on providing advance notice before firing employees.

To Whom Do Florida Employers Have To Give A Warn Notice?

Employers covered by the act must give written notice to impacted workers, labor unions representing them, the State Rapid Response Coordinator, and the chief elected official of the local government where the workplace is situated at least 60 days before the expected plant closure or large-scale layoff.

Additionally, the Florida WARN Act must include essential details such as the reason for the action, whether the loss is temporary or permanent, affected job titles, the number of employees impacted, and follow-up contact information. Employers must ensure compliance with these requirements to avoid legal repercussions.

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What Triggers the WARN Act Florida?

Several situations can trigger the WARN Act Florida:

  1. Plant closures affecting 50 or more employees for at least 30 days.
  2. Mass layoffs involving a minimum of 500 full-time employees.
  3. Mass layoffs, which are covered by Florida layoff laws, involve at least 50 full-time employees who make up 33% or more of the employer's workforce.
  4. Plant closures or layoffs extended over 90 days.

Employers should be aware of these triggers to ensure compliance with the WARN Act Florida and provide timely notice to affected employees and entities.

What Is A Plant Closing?

Plant closings occur when an employment site or facility shuts down, leading to job losses for 50 or more employees within 30 days. This can happen due to various reasons, such as financial difficulties, restructuring, or relocation of operations. It signifies a significant disruption to the affected employees and the local community, often prompting economic concerns and workforce adjustments.

What Are Mass Layoffs?

Mass layoffs entail a scenario where employment losses affect 500 or more employees within 30 days without necessarily involving a plant closing. Alternatively, they encompass situations where 50-499 employees face job cuts, provided they make up at least 33% of the employer’s active workforce.

Mass layoffs can stem from factors like technological advancements, market downturns, or changes in company strategies, causing widespread repercussions for both the workforce and the organization's operations.

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What Are Extended Layoffs?

Extended layoffs emerge when the cumulative job losses for two or more worker groups, each below the minimum threshold for notice, collectively reach the threshold level during any 90 days, whether it be due to a plant closing or mass layoff.

This prolonged period of workforce reduction may indicate persistent challenges within the organization, necessitating comprehensive strategies for recovery and stabilization.

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How Is the WARN Act Enforced in Florida?

In Florida, the United States District Courts oversee the enforcement of the WARN Act. This means that workers, their representatives, and local government entities have the authority to initiate individual or class-action lawsuits against employers suspected of violating the Act. In such cases, the court has the discretion to grant reasonable attorney’s fees to the prevailing party as part of the overall costs.

Violations of the WARN Act, which may include failure to comply with notification period requirements, can result in several consequences. Affected employees may be entitled to pay back, and employers could face penalties of up to $500 per day for each violation. Furthermore, employers are obligated to resolve any liabilities with affected employees within three weeks of a closure or layoff event.

Non-compliance with these regulations may lead to lawsuits, either on an individual or class-action basis, in the U.S. District Court.


The federal WARN Act provides a crucial safety net for employees in Florida, offering vital protections during times of economic uncertainty. By adhering to the requirements outlined in the Florida WARN Act , employers can uphold their responsibilities to provide timely notice and support to affected workers. This way, they can promote a more equitable and transparent employment landscape.


What Are Florida Layoff Notice Requirements?

In Florida, employers with 100 or more full-time employees are required to provide written notice to employees 60 days prior to a mass layoff, relocation, or plant closing under the WARN Act. Additionally, Florida's mini-WARN Act applies to employers with at least 75 employees and requires written notice 60 days before a layoff of 50 or more employees within any 3 months.

Can You Be Fired Without Warning In Florida?

Yes, Florida is an at-will employment state, meaning employers can fire employees for any reason or no reason at all as long as it's not discriminatory or retaliatory.

Are There Any Exceptions To The Warn Act?

Yes, there are exceptions to the WARN Act. Some exceptions include situations where layoffs occur due to unforeseeable business circumstances, natural disasters, or if the employer offers to transfer employees to a different site within a reasonable commuting distance.

What Events Trigger WARN Act Notice In Florida?

The WARN Act notice in Florida is triggered by events such as a mass layoff, relocation, or plant closing that affects a certain number of employees.

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Sumaira Arif

Update at 05/15/2024

Sumaira is a content writer at Yulys. She creates user-oriented research-based content to present industry stats and facts in a meaningful way.

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