Should You Go Back to Your Old Job? 7 Ways to Know

Should You Go Back to Your Old Job? 7 Ways to Know

Published Date: 11/17/2022 | Last Update: 01/10/2023 | Written By : Editorial Team
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There could be something about the place where you just started that doesn’t feel right, it could be the workplace’s culture, the lack of opportunities that you thought you would get by accepting the company’s proposal, or having a dispute with the company’s hierarchy in the workplace.

Before thinking about going back to your old job, re evaluate the facts that made you leave it in the first place. Do you think that the previous job was somewhat in line with what you wanted? Here’s how to know if you should go back to your old job.

  1. Personal Growth.
  2. Proving Yourself.
  3. Financial Benefits.
  4. Getting along with Hierarchy.
  5. Purpose.
  6. Work-Life Harmony
  7. Colleagues.
  8. Personal Growth

Personal growth is a good way to evaluate your mindset about a job, what’s the place where you had grown emotionally and made yourself proud. A place where you had developed yourself to become in line with the company’s objectives and vocations. Do you want to design the company’s future curriculum and be a part of it yourself? You can also identify personal growth as a place where you can have an impact.

If you produce results before deadlines easily and if you’re social enough then that can enhance the progression of your career. If you feel like a certain job can improve your weaknesses as well then don’t mind opting for that too.

  1. Proving Yourself

If you have an impulse of proving yourself, then picking a challenging job is a good way to get started, this could also prove to be a turning point in your career as you can reach your full potential under such a job by working tirelessly and inspiring people around you. Your commitment to learning and teaching others is going to be the summit of your experience.

Reaching your goals and expecting more from yourself each day can bring fruition to self confidence in your life. Learning to work effectively with your team is also a great way to prove yourself because it’s never a one-man effort. Working with a team can also improve your social skills.

  1. Financial Benefits

People are always looking for some lucrative financial growth and there’s no reason why you shouldn’t too. The feeling of “I’m not getting paid in accordance with what I bring to the table” can weigh you down and make your efforts weaker. It’s always adequate to consider a job with good retirement plans and current wages when you have a family to take care of or even for yourself. You should also consider healthcare while looking for a job cause your health needs to be robust.

According to Forbes, employees that aren’t paid well are more likely to feel undervalued by employers and that can cause them to have lower self-esteem. People that are paid well can bring more to the table.

  1. Getting along with Hierarchy.

People at the top often dictate the life of the company, if they are not appreciative or are condescending in any way, then workers often develop low self esteem as opposed to constant growth. Seeking a good relationship with managers can also help you get along in a workplace and get a spectrum-like sense of what to accomplish. A study was

conducted on 7,272 adults and found that one-half had quit a job because of a bad manager. They also learned that lack of clarity of expectations made employees’ performance go below par.

  1. Purpose

Finding purpose in a job is a characteristic that will make you overachieve only because of your interest. Most successful people tend to go for things they find captivating. A job that keeps you motivated throughout the day breeds success. You can only learn it through time, maybe your skillset is one thing that is innate to your responsibility at the job, and hence that could be your purpose.

If your principles and intuitive interest are congruent to your work, then make no mistake, take a step towards pursuing that job! When you find something you like, it will only make you happier when you’re doing it on a daily basis, your productivity can go up by miles and that contributes to your mental well-being.

  1. Work-Life Harmony

The balance between work and your private narrative is crucial for you. Working long hours can stress you out and also cause you to burn out, which to ends up interfering with your private life as your relationships begin to deteriorate because you end up losing your emotional self-regulation. After some time, people that work long hours become prone to anger when they keep doing nerve-racking work that’s not meant for them. Not getting enough time to spend with family can also cause anxiety and make you feel unappreciated by your family members. Finding a job that has a balance can improve the quality of your life.

Neglecting health for one’s job can end up being excruciating for them. If you’re not healthy, you won’t be surpassing your dreams or your needs as well. Stress is also one

of the reasons why people suffer from so many diseases, therefore, it’s important to take some time out for yourself as well.

  1. Colleagues

Having great colleagues by your side can supplement an extravagant realm for you to work in. Mostly when people go to work, the first thing that pops up in their mind is to spend quality time with their colleagues-turned-friends after work. It's important to have competitive colleagues around you that can give you some thoughtful advice on your career as an individual. They can also help you identify red flags around you and give a view of the contingent nature of the job.

Not only does having good colleagues fuel growth, they are also a great support mechanism that enables you to identify your own weaknesses and strengths, therefore having great colleagues at work should be one of the seven things that you should look for in a workplace.