35+ Engaging Employee Spotlight Questions to Ask in 2024

Updated on 04/26/2024


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  1. Employee spotlight questions are curated inquiries designed to showcase employees' achievements, talents, and contributions.
  2. These questions serve as a marketing tool, attracting top talent to join the team by showcasing the positive work environment.
  3. Employee spotlights gain traction on social media platforms, increasing brand visibility and attracting potential employees and customers.
  4. You can enhance spotlights with images and media to engage the audience.

Did you know? According to specific statistics, about 54% of employees may consider new job opportunities post-pandemic. Employee spotlight questions play a crucial role in any business's branding strategy. By offering internal employee spotlights, you empower candidates to make informed decisions about whether your company aligns well with their expectations.

So, in this blog post, we’ll learn employee spotlight questions, benefits and 35+ example questions.

              What are Employee Spotlight Questions?

Employee spotlight questions are a curated set of inquiries meant to highlight individual employees in a company. These questions aim to acknowledge, celebrate, and exhibit employees' achievements, talents, and distinctive contributions.

Typically, these questions explore personal and professional accomplishments, challenges conquered, goals, and the employee's journey within the organization.

These questions cultivate a positive and appreciative work culture by providing a platform to showcase an individual's skills, experiences, and success stories. Moreover, they enable team members to learn from and draw inspiration from their colleagues' achievements.

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             Benefits of Questions for Employee Spotlight

Staff spotlight questions offer more than just recognition and gratitude for outstanding employees. They serve as a refreshing marketing and sales tool, devoid of typical jargon, providing an authentic way to showcase your business and set it apart from competitors.

Let's explore some key advantages of using employee spotlights.

  1.  Enhance Your Employee Recruitment Strategy

Recruiting the right talent that aligns with your brand and culture can be challenging. Employee spotlight questions, however, can attract top-notch people to join your team in the future. Moreover, they are free marketing tools that spread the word about your company's positive work environment.

 Prospective hires seek insights into your organization's culture, potential colleagues, and perks. Moreover, a well-crafted employee spotlight question can sway their decision to join your team.

  1.  Strengthen Employee Connections

Employee spotlights develop meaningful connections and relationships among staff members. By highlighting different individuals regularly, they facilitate interaction, especially in larger organizations with diverse divisions.

Furthermore, these spotlights encourage communication, collaboration, and improved productivity by breaking down departmental barriers.

  1.  Boost Engagement and Reach on Social Media

Employee spotlight questions gain traction on social media platforms, exponentially expanding their benefits for your organization. Employees, their friends, and relatives enjoy sharing posts featuring someone they know and admire. These spotlights are more likely to be shared than corporate promotional content, increasing your brand's visibility.

Each social media post has the potential to reach new audiences, attracting both new employees and customers who view your organization in a positive light.

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               How to Create Staff Spotlight Questions?

If you're new to highlighting employees or want an easy method to follow, creating spotlight questions is simple. Here's how to do it:

  1.  Feature a Variety of Employees

Highlight your top performers and a diverse mix of team members. This could include showcasing different departments, recently promoted supervisors, or simply highlighting colleagues who deserve recognition.

  1.  Prepare Thoughtful Questions

Craft insightful questions that allow your employees to shine. Open-ended questions work best, avoiding simple favorites. Here are some examples:

  • How do you motivate yourself at work?
  • What exactly do you do at our company?
  • What has been your favorite project so far?
  • What's something about you that most people don't know?
  • What questions do you have for our CEO?
  1.  Choose Your Format

Employee spotlight questions can be presented in various ways. Consider distributing Q&As through a newsletter, posting them on a blog for employees and customers to read, or creating video and audio recordings for easy consumption.

  1.  Conduct Formal Interviews

Opt for in-person interviews whenever possible, whether recorded or face-to-face. Share questions in advance for preparation, but be ready to delve deeper with follow-up questions during the interview.

  1.  Add Visuals

Enhance your spotlight with images and media to engage your audience. Request photos from your employee to accompany the interview. For video spotlights, include footage of the employee in action to add personality.

  1.  Repeat Regularly

Seek feedback from employees after sharing spotlights to improve future ones. Adjust and refine your approach based on suggestions and plan to release spotlights regularly to build a culture of recognition and anticipation.

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Best Employee Spotlight Questions Examples

Here are some easy-to-understand questions you can ask employees when you want to highlight their achievements:

  1. How do you think our company's values show in our everyday work?
  2. Who has been a great leader for you here?
  3. What opportunities have helped you grow in your job?
  4. What do you appreciate most about the benefits we offer?
  5. Have you worked on any passion projects here? Tell us about them.
  6. What makes you proud to work for our company or as part of our team?
  7. How do you like our work environment?
  8. Can you describe your team to us?
  9. What do you think of our leaders?
  10. What part of our mission speaks to you?
  11. How have you helped our team the most?
  12. Who inspires you at work?
  13. What tools do you use at work?
  14. What job benefits do you enjoy the most, and why?
  15. What's the most interesting thing about working here?
  16. How have you grown professionally since joining us?
  17. How do you define success?
  18. Who keeps you motivated?
  19. If you could choose any mentor, who would it be, and why?
  20. What advice do you have for someone interested in your field?
  21. What's something new you learned recently?
  22. Are you part of any committees right now?
  23. What do you like most about volunteering?
  24. What's your job title?
  25. What do you love about our industry?
  26. Why did you choose to work here, and how have things changed since then?
  27. What's been your favorite project while working here?

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Fun Employee Spotlight Questions

  1. What's something interesting about you that not many people know?
  2. What's the last book you read and enjoyed?
  3. What do you like to do for fun in your free time?
  4. Do you remember your first concert? How was it?
  5. Where do you dream of traveling next?
  6. Any favorite TV shows you're binge-watching lately?
  7. What would it be if you had to eat one meal every day forever?
  8. What's one thing you can't live without?
  9. Can you imagine yourself doing a different job?
  10. Is there something specific you want to be known for?
  11. What advice would you give your 13-year-old self?
  12. When was the last time you laughed until you cried?
  13. Where do you see yourself in five years?
  14. What's your favorite place you've ever visited, and why?
  15. Where's your hometown?
  16. Describe your ideal vacation spot.
  17. If you could switch lives with a cartoon character, who would it be?
  18. Would you prefer flying cars, robot helpers, or cities on the moon?
  19. Would you rather be a tiny elephant or a giant hamster?


Employee spotlight questions are an easy, quick, and affordable way to create genuine content that can be shared. They're not just about work—they can be fun too! It helps connect employees, new hires, and customers to your company's culture. They make employees feel appreciated and can even attract potential customers. So, if you're not using employee spotlights, you might miss out on a great opportunity.

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Aneeb Ahmad

Update at 04/26/2024

Aneeb is a full-stack SEO & Content Marketer. He drives our inbound marketing efforts on all touchpoints & writes just about everything related to career guidance, interviews, and professional growth. He loves talking about football when he’s not wordsmithing. Reach out to him at aneebahmad1@gmail.com

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