How to Reply to an Interview Email + Examples

Updated on 02/09/2024


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Key Highlights

  1. Reply quickly to an email asking for an interview.
  2. Keep your reply short but positive.
  3. Make sure to say when and where the interview is.
  4. Get ready for the interview by learning about how it will be and who will interview you if you know.
  5. If you need to change the interview time, be respectful and ask politely, understanding that the recruiter is busy.

It's common for employers to follow up with an interview request email after a successful job screening. Since this is a crucial stage in the hiring process, responding in a way that leaves a positive impression is important.

Understanding what to expect and what the employer is looking for in your response will help you appear as a professional and desirable candidate. In this guide, we've compiled tips on how to reply to an interview email with examples to prepare for your interview or any other steps in the career you're considering.

 What's an interview invitation email?

Before delving into how to respond to an interview email, let’s first understand it. An interview invitation email is a formal digital message requesting to set up an interview with you. Hiring managers send these to candidates they are seriously considering for the position.

These emails are typically short and contain essential details, outlining the employer's expectations for the interview and seeking confirmation of your interest and availability.

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What are the Elements of Interview Invitation Emails?

To write a perfect email response to an interview, it’s essential to understand its basic elements. Every employer has their way of crafting interview request emails, but most commonly, they include these key details:

  1.  Position and Company

They'll often mention the company and position either in the subject line or at the start of the email to ensure everyone is on the same page.

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  1.  Interview Format

Employers will outline the type of interview they plan to conduct – whether in person, over the phone, or online- whether it's one-on-one, group, or panel.

  1.  Date, Time, and Location

Expect specific dates and times or a request for your availability. They'll also mention where the interview will take place or provide details for virtual interviews.

  1.  Expected Duration

They'll give you an idea of how long the interview is expected to last, which is particularly crucial for senior positions with tight schedules.

  1.  Interviewer's Details

Sometimes, the email includes the name and job title of the interviewer. Use this information to prepare questions tailored to their role.

  1.  What to Bring and Wear

If there's anything specific you need to bring, like safety gear or identification, the recruiter will let you know. They may also offer guidance on appropriate attire.

  1.  Contact Information

The email will provide contact details if you need to follow up or have questions. Knowing who to reach out to is crucial for any changes or adjustments.

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  How to Reply to an Interview Email Request?

It's essential to reply to an interview invitation, even if it's to decline. Here are 6 straightforward steps to compose your response:

  1.  Be Prompt

Respond to the interview invitation as quickly as possible. This indicates your enthusiasm, motivation, and responsibility, demonstrating respect for the recruiter's time.

  1.  Use a Professional Greeting

Employ classic salutations like "Dear" or "Hello" in your email. Avoid cliches such as “To whom it may concern,” and take the time to confirm the recipient's name, reflecting your respect for them.

Be mindful of pronoun considerations in different regions. Avoid assuming "Mr.", "Mrs.", or "Ms." unless explicitly specified in the email.

  1.  Express Appreciation

Write a powerful thank you for the interview to thank the recruiter for considering your application. This sets a friendly tone and showcases your understanding of professional email etiquette and effective communication.

  1.  Confirm Availability

Clearly state your availability for the interview in the following sentence. Confirming the interview date, time, and location allows the recruiter to rectify any errors or confusion in these details.

  1.  Seek Clarifications

If the email lacks necessary information or if you have any questions, now is the time to ask. Double-check the email for any overlooked details. It's a good practice to inquire if there's anything else you should be aware of or bring to the interview.

  1.  Close Professionally

Conclude your email with a classic, professional sign-off such as "Sincerely," "Regards," or "Thank you." Below, provide your name, email address, and phone number on separate lines for easy reference.

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Examples of Job Interview Request Emails

Example 1: Confirm an interview

Subject: Confirmation for Executive Assistant Position Interview

Dear Mrs. (Name),

Thank you for your time and considering my application. I'm delighted to accept the invitation to interview for the Executive Assistant position at Sleighride Marketing. I appreciate the opportunity and anticipate meeting Marcia Clark on February 17 at 9:00 am at your offices, 676 York Ave.

Please let me know if you require any additional information or if there's anything else I should prepare for the interview.




Mobile Number

Example 2: Reschedule an interview

Subject: Request to Reschedule Interview for Merchandiser Position

Dear (Name),

Thank you for scheduling the interview for the Merchandiser position at Young & Modern. I appreciate the opportunity. Unfortunately, due to a prior engagement, I'm unavailable at the proposed time, 12:30 pm on June 27.

Could we reschedule the meeting? I'm available until 11:00 am on June 27 or 12:30 pm on June 28 or any other convenient day/time. I apologize for any inconvenience and look forward to our conversation.

Best regards,



Mobile Number

Example 3: Confirm a virtual interview with clarification

Subject: Confirmation and Clarification for Digital Designer Position Interview

Dear Ms. (Name),

Thank you for considering my application and offering an interview for the Digital Designer position at Denmark Creative. I'm excited about our meeting at 10:30 am on November 15 via the Zoom link provided.

Could you clarify if you would like me to send a digital copy of my portfolio in advance? Please specify the preferred file format or image size.

I eagerly await your response.

Thank you,



Mobile Number

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Tips for Sending Interview Email Reply

Now you know how to answer emails for an interview. Here are tips to consider before sending an email, whether it's a job interview response or any other communication:

  1. Ensure your tone is formal and professional to convey respect and courtesy.
  2. Begin your email by expressing gratitude and enthusiasm to create a positive impression.
  3. Keep your response concise and to the point. Avoid unnecessary explanations.
  4. Edit and proofread your email thoroughly to catch and correct any mistakes or typos before sending it. This enhances professionalism.
  5. Use the "Reply All" button judiciously. Ensure your response goes to the right people and only include those who need the information.

Have you been selected for the job interview but don’t know how to write it? Read our guide on how to prepare for job interviews to make a positive impression.


An interview invitation email is a formal digital communication sent by hiring managers to candidates they are seriously considering for a position. These emails include essential details such as the position and company, interview format, date, time, location, expected duration, interviewer's details, what to bring and wear, and contact information.

Moreover, by following our tips on how to reply to an interview email, you can effectively and perfectly write an interview email. Furthermore, effective communication in response to interview invitations demonstrates enthusiasm, professionalism, and respect for the recruiter's time and process.


How To Reply To An Interview Email?

To reply to an interview email, you must use professional greetings, express appreciation, confirm availability, seek clarification, and end with a professional closing.

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Aneeb Ahmad

Update at 02/09/2024

Aneeb is a full-stack SEO & Content Marketer. He drives our inbound marketing efforts on all touchpoints & writes just about everything related to career guidance, interviews, and professional growth. He loves talking about football when he’s not wordsmithing.

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